What’s your niche? This is a common question that entrepreneurs should consider.  Not having a niche to focus on is like marketing eyeliner to a group of male. Indeed, you need to know your niche to be able to find your target audience as well.

As Chris Ducker puts it:

I know what my ‘overall’ niche is. It’s mobile entrepreneurship. However, that’s just the beginning. If I want to create and market successful online products and services, I need to focus on finding a niche, not just once, but over and over again, to be able to create countless business opportunities for myself online.

So once you are ready to discover your niche, here are some suggestions to try:

Create a wish list

What is it that you like? If you are living in a perfect world and if the chance for mistake is very low, then what niche would you want to explore? With whom do you want to do business with? Be specific with your answer. You may want to write down their job, their geographic location, the kind of customer they are, how much they are earning, etc. This is the very first step to finding your niche. After all, if you do not know who you will be doing business with then it is impossible to make any contact.

These days, there is a big trend of picking smaller niche. One does not simply say that he likes to target the middle-aged people; rather they will pinpoint who these people are, their gender, their family income, etc. Being too broad with your niche can be confusing so be specific as much as possible.

What is it that you want to sell?

Create a list of those things that you do best, especially if you are going to offer certain services. You can also create a list of your achievements and look for patterns in your life that can reveal your strength. Your niche should come naturally from your interest and experience. Hence, if you have been working as an accountant for years then you might want to explore a field that is somehow related to accounting.

You should always listen to your heart when discovering your niche. Always follow your heart and not just your reason because in the end, doing something you love will triple your chance to succeed. Experts also believe that people often become successful when they listen to their passion.

As per The Muse:

To do this, consider what you’re passionate about in your career. What tasks energize you rather than drain you? What are you working on when you get “in your zone” or “in the flow?” What professional areas could you continue exploring without growing bored?

Those are the things you should be pursuing as you consider your career path and your employer’s business strategy. Is there a good fit already, or do you need to maneuver into a new role, company, or path that you truly feel passionate about?

Explore the world outside your comfort zone

Most of the time, some of the best opportunities are found outside your comfort zone. Hence, you should be able to find the courage to explore the world a little farther. Stop dealing with analysis paralysis wherein you overanalyze everything and so you end up worried, scared, and defeated.

Stop waiting for the perfect time to start

If you feel like you want something then go grab it.  The truth is, there is no perfect time. It is either you act now or you let go of your dreams. If you are afraid to try then have the courage to face your fears. Instead of being scared, use your fear to propel you to great heights. And if you want something…

Go get it!

It should be the perfect time to implement all your ideas to actions. Although this can be a challenging stage for many entrepreneurs but as long as you do your homework, it won’t be a gamble.