Writing can bring both psychological and emotional benefits. Hence, writing should be seen more than a passion or a profession because it actually does much more than that.

As an article from entrepreneur.com explains:

Writing has just become another tool for thinking, expression, and encouraging creativity, and added that personal and non-fiction writing is such an interesting topic to me because I get the sense that many (financially) successful people are secretly regular writers.

Lifehack even added:

Writing every day has numerous benefits far beyond finally getting that novel of yours out in the open. Whether you’re aiming to improve your vocabulary, keep track of your dreams, or keep a journal of all the goings-on in your world, writing daily can bring about some stellar effects in your life.

So what are the benefits of writing? Let us tackle some of them.

1. It makes you happy.

Writing surely makes you happier. Putting what you feel on paper is something that many find comforts in. For example, you can write about your feelings for someone or you can plan your goals in life. Writing all these down will be a great motivator and will actually make you feel good. Surely, writing or even blogging have their own therapeutic benefit!

I sit at my hotel at night, I think of something that’s funny, then I go get a pen and I write it down. Or if the pen’s too far away, I have to convince myself that what I thought of ain’t funny.

2. It improves your brain.

Have you ever hated the idea of trying to work on something but your brain simply cannot concentrate? If this happens to you then you might want to get into the habit of writing. Experts believe that once you train your brain to process often then you won’t have to go through that episode when you simply cannot do something because your brain isn’t working the way it should be! So go into the habit of writing, grab some coffee or tea, and let your imagination work!

3. It keeps you more organized.

Writing allows you to create a roadmap so you know what to do next. Since you are writing down your goals then it will be easier for you to stay on track. This is the reason why most experts would recommend that someone who likes to achieve something in life should start with a written goal. Having goals that are clearly written will allow you to move forward with ease since you know exactly the direction to trek. This will also allow you to stay focused and determined. Check this post from GetMotivation:

Every great company, every entrepreneur has short-term goals, mid-term goals and long-term goals and these goals are more likely to be achieved then goals left unwritten. So, we must write down all the goals we want to achieve. It is a must for every person who wants to achieve success in any area of their life.

4. It allows you to communicate and think better.

If you are having a hard time trying to communicate your thoughts and feelings, then try to write them down first. Hence, writing should be something that must be done by those people who constantly suffer from what they call as the tip of the tongue feeling. Even science agrees that writing your thoughts down will allow you to communicate better, even those complex ideas.

5. It keeps you sharp despite the age.

Writing is a mental exercise that will keep you in shape through the years.  This is because you put your mind in a constant use, hence the chances for it to get spoiled is low. In fact, the Guardian says that people who always use their brain have a lesser chance to suffer from dementia.

It seems obvious that the more you train, use and test your brain, the better it will perform. There is some evidence that people with more education or skills have a lower incidence of dementia.

Surely, these should be enough reason for you to get into the habit of writing. It does not matter if you scribble it on a piece of paper or you type your words, what matter is that you put your brain into action.