Whether this is your first eBook or your tenth, there is always that moment before you put it out there to the public where you wonder, “Is this really good enough?  Are people going to actually read this?”  That’s the lingering self-doubt that all authors have, eBook or best-selling novel on the New York Times bestseller list.  Put that nagging voice aside for good with these powerful eBook writing tips designed to turn a decent read into a memorable one.

Get Your Beginning and End

Think of your eBook like a bridge from one end of a cliff to another.  Your readers are standing on one end and they want to cross the ravine to get to the other side.  It’s your job as the bridge builder—er, writer—to make sure that they get to the other side safely and without getting sidetracked and falling over the railings.

In other words, know where you’re starting and know where you’re ending.  Then, take the reader from point A to point B without getting them to distracted.  Nobody wants to walk over a winding bridge when all they want to do is go to the other side.  If the solution to their problem is over there, they want to get there fast.  Bring them there and they’ll be happy to walk on any other bridge you build in the future.

Make it Worth Their Time

 What does the average person do when they want some information on a subject?  Go to the library and check out a book?  Maybe in 1980.  But now, the information is all around us—if somebody wants to know something, they simply go to Google and ask a few questions.  If they’ve graduated from preschool, chances are they’ll be able to find what they’re looking for.

So why do they need your eBook?   Remember, your main competition out there really isn’t going to be other authors writing on the same subject—it’s going to be information that is readily available for nothing on the internet.  Make sure your eBook is worth the read, meaning go above and beyond with your information.  Provide unique examples and anecdotes. Explain things in a manner that is unique to you and do it better than anyone else in your niche.

Be the Author

 Finally, it’s important that when you write your eBook, your own voice comes out.  That’s what sets you apart from every other eBook writer out there.  No one thinks like you, writes like you or does anything else you do, exactly the way you do it.  Use that to your advantage because it is what will make you stick out from the crowd.

Of course, this doesn’t mean throw in a bunch of slang and curse words (unless that’s what your demographic is after), but it does mean don’t be afraid to put your personal opinions out there.  That’s what makes a great read.  Whether people agree or disagree, it will get them thinking.  Just be sure to back up your opinions with fact and evidence and don’t opine purely out of shock value.

Wrapping the eBook Up

In the end, your eBook should be recognizable as a work only you could have created.  As such, this will help you establish loyal readers who like the way you write, appreciate the information that you provide and most of all, enjoy the fact that you don’t throw a lot of useless fluff at them.  In short, you give them what they pay for—and more.  Like a great eBook cover.  To really personalize your eBook’s voice, create your own custom eBook cover.