Here’s the bottom line:  writing eBooks can be a brutal business.

There is an army of authors lurking out there today who honestly believe that all they have to write is what their audience cares about and all will be right with the world.  Can we say, “fairy tale”?

If all you want is to create a bunch of stuff, throw it out into cyberspace and see who salutes, then these words are not for you.  If, however, you are serious about what you write and you want to see it sell, then pay attention.  What follows here details a technique for writing a sellable eBook in 30 days.

Days 1-2: What’s the Topic? 

Forget that storyline that’s been floating around in the back of your mind for a year.  Don’t waste your time writing something no one wants to read.  An exceptional eBook idea is specific and is potentially useful to a lot of people.  Read blogs and forums for topic ideas.

Days 3-4: The Dreaded Outline 

The first step is to get organized.  It doesn’t matter how you create your outline, just do it.  Use whatever format works for you.

Days 5-25: Write, write, write! 

Needless to say, most of your time should be spent on actually writing.  Set a realistic goal.  For example, if you decide you want to produce 70 pages, then you’ll need to be writing in the neighborhood of 750 words per day.  That takes discipline.  If you suspect you may have trouble meeting that goal, pare it back a bit if you need to but don’t go too low or you’ll never get it finished.

Approach it with your goal in mind, and set up your workspace to accommodate your writing.  Decide what time of day is best.  Turn off the TV, the music, the internet if it is distracting you.  Take a break when you need it, just don’t stop writing.  And don’t try to edit while you write.  Get it on paper first, then go back and polish it up.

Days 26-28: Now We Edit 

Taking a bit of a break between finishing the first draft and starting to edit can be a good thing but it isn’t always possible when you’re on a deadline.  Editing is often the hardest part of writing.  Print the entire book out, or transfer it to your mobile device.

Read it through, paying attention to repeated information, material that was inadvertently omitted, and the arrangement of the chapters and sections.  Fix typos that jump out at you, re-order the sequence if needed, then read the whole thing out loud.  Now fix the other problems you found on this read-through. 

Days 29-30: Final Proof 

Go through it with a fine toothed comb.  Look for misused words, like there, their, and they’re.  When you’re satisfied, sit back, relax for a moment, then get to the really hard work of publishing your eBook.