If you are writing an eBook, it is likely that you are thinking about selling it in the future. But selling isn’t as easy as counting 1, 2, and 3. There are processes that you need to do in order to effectively get about the process. Now, in order to help you out, here are some things you can do:

One of the most sensible things that you can do to build your momentum online is to give your eBook for free. This way, you will give others a taste of what you can offer. No need to worry about not getting enough cash out of the eBook because you can simply give it for free in the first 90 days, and collect some payment after. Giving out your product for free is also the fastest means to generate momentum through word of mouth, plus you will be able to get some good reviews that can further improve your brand.

Giving out your eBook for free is a nice way to understand the possible success or downfall of your product. After all, if your family and peers might not be too keen on what you have to offer then it is likely that others might not take interest too.

As from Seth Godin: “You should give your book away for free and send it to your twenty closest friends. And, if that’s the end of it, then you’re not a good writer. On the other hand, if those twenty people send it to twenty more people, then you have four hundred readers, and then eight thousand readers, and so on. If you can get up to twenty thousand readers of your first book for free, there will be a line out the door of people wanting to help you with your next book.”

The next important factor to consider is the price of your book. Most people who read eBooks are price conscious. After all, if they aren’t conscious about the price then they would go for the actual book. The setting price for most eBooks is at $9.99. Although there are those who would contest this selling price, but this is a trend in Amazon, and this is somehow the right price structure to follow. Do not be afraid to price your book inexpensively because it may even help you to gain your initial audience. Such initial audience can give reviews, which can help spread your name like wildfire in the online arena. So take the risk because you never know the good thing that can come.

You can also partner with eBook blogs around. While most of them can charge a free from such venture, there are also those who can give it away for free so long as you give them a copy of your eBook. Here are some choices you have:

Ereader News Today: http://www.ereadernewstoday.com/

Kindle Nation: http://kindlenationdaily.com/

GoodReads: http://www.goodreads.com

Pixel of Ink: http://www.pixelofink.com

Inspired Reads: http://www.inspiredreads.com

Kindle Reader: http://kindlereader.blogspot.com/