There are instances when we are too caught up with high scale processes that we forget the basics. The same is true when writing an eBook. Many times, we find ourselves looking for out of the box tactics to the point of forgetting those easy-to-do yet tested processes that can bring true result.

Hence, never forget to apply the basics of eBook writing. No matter how uncomplicated and obvious they seem to be, they can still work wonders to help you create your own masterpiece.

1. Track your time

First of all, do not forget to keep track of your time. It is important that you set a certain time in the day when you can write. Many times, a writer might not finish his work simply because he became exhausted just thinking that he is spending all his time just writing. Therefore, you need to keep track of your time. Set aside a time when you can simply scribble the words down and a time when you can do other things in life. By doing this, you won’t feel too caught up in your work.

2. Design your eBook cover

You also need to design an eBook cover in such a way that it will attract your future customers. Basically, there are different considerations that must be done when working with the cover but among these, you should always consider that the text must be readable in all sizes and when using different devices. If you are unsure how to get the job done, it is best to simply hire a professional to do the cover for you. This is a safer choice than doing it on your own and find yourself miserably failing after.

3. Save

Furthermore, never forget to save your work in different places. You can save it on your computer, on Dropbox, and on your USB. This will give you the assurance that you will never lose your work in case any untoward issues take place. It is also practical to save your work every 2 minutes unless you are using software that automatically saves the work for you.

4. Put fun and excitement in your piece

When writing, deliver the best but avoid being a perfectionist. Your audience won’t be too pleased to read boring and stiff work. So inject fun and excitement into your piece. Do not get stuck trying to make all things perfect because no one can ever do this. If you criticize and scrutinize all information you put on your work then you might not be able to finish at all. Just go on writing, because you’ll have time to edit your work after.

5. Good Title

Furthermore, you need to pick a good title for your eBook. The title along with the cover can make or break your eBook sales.  For others, they pick the title before they start writing but Amy Lynn Andrews has another way of doing it, she thinks of her title when she is finished writing because of the following reasons :

In my opinion, now is a good time to choose a title. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Editing makes the content of your ebook fresh in your mind. Reading it from start to finish provides a perspective you didn’t have when you were in the thick of writing.

  2. Now that your content is mostly finalized, you might realize that over the course of writing, you took some twists and turns you didn’t anticipate. If you chose a title at the beginning, review it to make sure it accurately represents what your final copy communicates.

  3. If others are reading/editing your ebook for you, take the opportunity to toss around title ideas with them too.

Once you are ready to drive the sales of your eBook, remember that connections with people can also help. So instead of solely focusing on how to drive more sales through internet marketing, you should not forget to market your work locally. While writing your book, develop a genuine friendship with people or organizations locally. You can also connect with them through their personal social media accounts. So when it is time that you are ready to sell your eBook, you may be able to count on these people.