To popularize your writing, you should learn your writing voice first. More readers will read your writing if you have something unique and you have your own style in writing.

To help you find your uniqueness and writing style, I’m going to share with you the 10 steps to help you find your own writing voice.

1. Describe yourself in three adjectives.

Think of your surrounding, and think of what are you in your surrounding. If you know who you are, you can be who you are. Knowing yourself first is the best way to start finding your own writing voice.

2. Ask and answer the question, ”Is this how I talk?”.

If you can answer this with yes, then you are ready and you probably know yourself.

3. Imagine your ideal reader.

Why are we writing something? For whom? Sometimes, writing becomes nothing if it’s written for wrong people or wrong purpose. Identifying your target reader may help you improve your writing and perhaps, help you develop your own writing voice.

4. Jot down at least 5 books, articles, or blogs that you like to read.

Spend some time reading others work and try to examine it, how are they alike, how are they different, what intrigues you in its content, and etc.

5. List down your favorite artistic and cultural influences.

List down what your references in writing and what you are avoiding.

6. Ask other people.

“What do I sound like?”, “What is my voice in writing?” and take note of the answer you get. 

7. Free-write. 

Write in your comfortable way. Then leave it for a few days or week before getting back to edit it. Then ask yourself, “Do I publish something that sounds like this?”.

8. Read something you’ve recently written.

Read something you’ve recently written and ask yourself, ”Is this something I would read?” if yes, keep up your work and improve it more, and if not, change your voice.

9. Ask yourself.

“Do I enjoy it as I’m writing it?” if it’s something that makes you feel like you are doing it for work then, you are not writing for yourself  (Caveat: Not every writer loves the act of writing, but it’s at least worth asking.)

10. Pay attention to how you are feeling.

How do you feel before publishing? Afraid? Nervous? Worried? If you feel like this then it’s good, you are on a right track. If you feel something like you are completely calm, then you probably are not vulnerable. Try to write something extraordinary, something more like you. Fear can be good sometimes as it motivates you to make your writings matter.